LUSTCOINS provides a safe environment for everyone to receive professional education about causes, consequences, and preventative measures of Sexual Abuse, discrimination against LGBTQ, violence, and BodyShame via Lust Academy platform. A platform that can bring opportunities to educate, inform, and empower around relevant issues. Most victims of sexual violence are women – a fact that reflects their social stance even today, in the 21st century, as inferior to the attacker. This is a social phenomenon that exists in every society that accepts aggressive behavior and gender inequality. Thousands of women turn to the rape crisis centers for help after an attack, and the statistics show that 1 in 3 women will be Sexually abused during their lifetime. Sexual abuse awareness is an umbrella for several crimes such as human trafficking, child abuse, sexual assault and relationship abuse. We want to first prevent such incidents by raising social awareness and also help improve the life of sexual abuse victims by funding selected organizations supporting victims of these crimes.

Equality and freedom from discrimination are fundamental human rights that belong to all people, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, or because they are intersex. The Sex Discrimination Act 1984 makes it unlawful to discriminate on the basis of a person’s sexual orientation, gender identity, and intersex status against the law. However, still more than 80% of LGBTQ community members reported that they’ve been discriminated against based on their sexual desire, both at their personal life and social life, while the reality of their life is even worse.

In modern societies, only those with “perfect” bodies are featured in advertisements, causing insecurities and mental harm around the globe. A sad reality that scientific studies and ongoing research prove definitively. Over the past few decades, the medical aesthetics industry has increased over seven times (>700%!). Shocking statistics such as 80% of women report that TV supermodels make them feel insecure, and 33% of UK adults felt anxious or depressed about their body images showing the dire need to change. We believe this wholeheartedly and plan to help lead the change we wish to see.

LUSTCOINS will utilize blockchain technology not only for education purposes but also for the creation of an environment where everyone will feel included, empower its users and creators, and the greater population at large. The LUST platform is dedicated to creating an ecosystem for people to be educated via our certified sexologist. Services that would cost more than most could ever dream to afford if done through traditional medical routes. The ecosystem allows creators to strive for financial freedom without being held or unfairly treated by the large corporations of the past. The Tokenomics provide investors and users alike the opportunity to create financial freedom, provide charitable donation as well as purchase and use educational content all from the same foundation. A foundation built and guided by professionals in multiple fields (EG: sexology, technology, psychology, marketing, and adult entertainment), working together to create the goal of a safe, profitable, educational, and fun online space.